Late Bus Alert

French Resources

How do you say? (translation)
This is a useful website if you are unsure how to pronounce a word or sentence.
This website has many French stories and games.
French Reading and Writing Activities
This website has activities to help with French reading and writing.
French Vocabulary
This site contains various games and activities to build your child's vocabulary and reading.
Poisson Rouge
This website contains many math and language activities in French for students.
French Activities (TFO)
This website contains games and videos in French.
Aqua Math
A French site with Math games
digital dialects
help with French words, spelling and pronunciation
Word Reference
Online French English dictionary
Il etait une histoire
This website is great to listen French stories.
Apprendre a lire
This is site is great to learn about various French sounds.
This is a great site to listen French stories.
Beginning French Vocabulary Themes
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