Learners Are Successful

Learners are literate and numerate.

  1. (AE) Percentage of students/FNMI students in who achieved the acceptable standard and standard of excellence on Provincial Achievement Tests (cohort) and Diploma Exams.
  2. (RVS) Percentage of students, parents, and staff who agree that students are literate and numerate.
  3. (RVS) Divisional performance measures to be identified by Literacy/Numeracy Task Group. (Pending)


  • Use of a school-wide reading continuum
  • Completion of school-wide literacy handbook detailing beliefs and approach to literacy instruction
  • Increased communication to families about literacy and numeracy through school and class newsletters, school website and parent information nights

Learners build 21C competencies (skills & knowledge).

  1. (AE) Percentage of teachers, parents, and students who agree that students model the characteristics of active citizenship.
  2. (AE) Percentage of students/FNMI students who achieve the acceptable standard and standard of excellence on provincial Student Learning Assessments (competency measures). (Pending)
  3. (RVS) Percentage of students, parents, and staff who agree that students are building 21st C competencies.


  • Focus student learning showcases on 21st C competencies
  • 21st C competencies explained in class newsletters each month
  • Focus on digital citizenship

Learners take ownership of their learning.

  1. (RVS) Percentage of students, parents, and staff agreement that students take ownership for their learning.
  2. (RVS) Percentage of staff that use balanced assessment practices to support student learning.


  • Increased focus on leadership opportunities for students including hosting a leadership day and implementation of the 8th habit
  • Purposeful use of balanced assessment including use of a standardized reading continuum, increased student self-reflection and use of I can statements/clear targets

  • Use of Google Drive to communicate ongoing assessment/portfolio of student leadership and learning

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