Late Bus Alert

Grade 4 Helpful Websites

Multiple Intelligences Test
Used to determine our unique learning styles
4th grade games
Perimeter shape shooter
This game allows students to practice calculating the perimeter of shapes.
Base 10 blocks practice
This game allows students to practice their understanding of base 10 block values.
Multiplication Games
TumbleBook Library
A collection of read-along books (requires username and password)
A collection of education/learning resources from Alberta Education (some pages require username and password)
A science website created by the Science Alberta Foundation (some activities require free registration)
Alberta Education - Fact Sheets & Useful Links
Math Fun
An excellent site for math practice and fun!
Reading Practice
Here is an excellent site for practicing sight words, comprehension, letter recognition and more!
Robert Munsch
Does your child love Robert Munsch? Check out this website where you can listen to him read his books:
Here's a great website for your child to practice keyboarding skills.
Word Work Practice
A great place to practice recognizing more words.
A fun site for math, geography and literacy skills
Math Stories
Here's a sight for you and your children to solve math word problems among other things.
Virtual Manipulatives
A great site for encouraging your child to use virtual manipulatives.
Other math games
Here's another site for a variety of math games.
Kids Love to
Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science and MORE!
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